The Daily Cup of Tea

Welcome to The Daily Cup of Tea! This is a news website that is intended to inform you with all of the latest "tea". The reason we call ourselves The Daily Cup of Tea is because we will post articles daily about the latest tea. The article for today is one we hope you will enjoy! We desire that you will find it a breath of fresh air compared to everything else happening in the world around us. So many news articles love to inform us of the latest events and try to make us afraid or in suspense in order to make us come back for more. This news article is different because it is designed to focus on the positive rather than the negative. We earnestly desire that it fills its readers with gratitude for their blessings and compassion for others. Life isn't all about living for yourself, and there is much joy to be found in helping others! This article can be viewed by clicking this link .

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Way to Go, Coach!

Another news website that The Daily Cup of Tea leaders like to visit is called Daily Citizen-Focus on the Family. An interesting article that you should check out is one about Coach Joe Kennedy . It is an article that has been recently posted by Daily Citizen-Focus on the Family ,and it is all about a football coach that got fired for praying silently after every football game he coached. He didn't force anyone to pray with him, but he would pray by himself. However, if others requested to pray with him, he would gladly let them join as well. It is a true story that is very inspiring, so please go click the link and check it out!